Sunday 14 August 2011

GNLD - Golden Neo-Life Diamite Products: Amazing Vitamin Nutrition Food Supplements

GNLD - Golden Neo-Life Diamite Products - is an international corporation that is devoted to the development of Healthy Food Supplements!!!

GNLD started originally as 'Golden NeoLife Diamite' - and is primarily a natural health produts company that sits atop a foundation of success that began in 1958. This heritage of success makes GNLD an industry leader in every way.
There are More Than 55 World-Class Food Supplement Markets!

Golden NeoLife Diamite is an international company, and the global support structure reaches around the world! GNLD gives you access to a trillion dollar market!

GNLD's FDA Pharmaceutical License!

GNLD maintains a pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing License even though, as a nutritional supplement manufacturer, they are under no requirement to do so. This opens up every aspect of their operations to many things, including unannounced inspection by FDA inspectors.
World's Finest Health Products!

Golden NeoLife Diamite's unmatched commitment to following Nature's Blueprint when creating their health products, coupled with the leading-edge research of our Scientific Advisory Board, guarantees the finest health products available - anywhere!
Top-Notch Support!

Effective, person-to-person training, the very best sales tools, and the ongoing support of proven Golden NeoLife Diamite Sales Leaders are the time-tested keys to GNLD's success.
Amazing Success!

All over the world, more people than ever are living the life of their dreams with GNLD!

Modern corporate headquarters in Fremont, California. Home offices in Europe, South Africa, and Australia.

State of the art manufacturing plant, research laboratory, 600 employees, 52 global business support centers, $100 million health product inventory.

Debt-free private company. Executive staff has over 80 years experience in international network marketing.

"Scientific Advisory Board" with world-renowned scientists, which included Dr. Arthur E. Furst, founder of oral chemotherapy.

Long-established, solid reputation for integrity, high quality health products, and a proven "What's Right" philosophy:
What's Right for the customer.
What's Right for the company.
What's Right for the environment.

50 Years of UNPARRALLELLED Excelence and Breakthroughs!!! 

GNLD set the industry standard for leading edge scientific discoveries as "FIRSTs" in the industry! The GNLD difference sets it apart.

Read about GNLD historical scientific breakthroughs!!!

Click Here To Learn More About GNLD PRODUCTS
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Saturday 13 August 2011

Yahoo! Answers - Open Questions

Food supplements!!!!!!?

can some one please tell me if taking supplements is good for me because i dont eat vegetables and i know that it cant take their palce but are they still good for me???? please help me out!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

A food supplement has its meaning in its name. To supplement any shortcomings in the diet. You can take a multivitamin once a day, but any more than this will make you ill, because an 'overload' will occur of the bulking agents used to make the tablets solid and help to keep their shape.
If you're going to buy some, don't waste money on expensive brands, just look at the ingredients and buy the cheapest out there. Aim for one that has 100% of about 10 vitamins and minerals.


eZine Article: Improving Nutrition Through Food Supplements

Health and well being are becoming increasingly important for people in today's world. People are constantly being reminded of the ever growing need for good nutrition and exercise as key components in achieving this goal. For many people, maintaining a balanced diet and eating healthily are not as easy as they sound; some forms of food supplements are often needed in order to create a fully balanced and comprehensive diet.

Negative Influences

The constant integration of genetic engineering and food additives into our everyday diets mean that we need to work harder to make sure we intake the necessary requirements of minerals, vitamins and nutrients from our food. Even if your food contains a high number of natural nutrients, the vices and naturally occurring pollutions that are present in the world today often prevent us from reaching the minimum daily requirements. Busy schedules are also a contributing factor in our declining health. As we get older and our lives become more stressful and with commuting, working, relationships and financial pressures we find ourselves in need of more vitamins and minerals in order to retain a high level of health.

Types of Supplement Food

Supplements are available in many different forms nowadays. Depending on the type of supplements, your age and the necessary dosage you may find them in tablet, drink or powder form. There are many types of multivitamin tablets that are on the market which are designed to cover the necessary requirements of a broad spectrum of different nutrients; these may vary for men, women, children or elderly people. There are also more specific types of tablet which tend to be just one or two different food supplements which have been created in order to supply a simple boost to the system in times of need.

Where to find Supplements

There are many places where you can now find natural food supplements for your health. You can find them in all health food shops; many supermarkets even carry them nowadays and, of course, online. There is an abundance of choice when it comes to shopping for supplements so doing some market research is always a good idea so that you know you are getting the best quality for the best price.

With pollution, GM crops, stress at work and many other influences, we really do need food_supplements to take care of us nutritionally. As the words suggests, supplements are there to supplement our diets when needed.

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